Department head word

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon those who sent mercy to the two years, our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.

After: Dear Sirs: It is my pleasure to present to you a guide to the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Arts and the future vision, its strategic dimensions, and the date of its establishment, to give a simplified picture to graduating students, students and applicants to study in this department and the goals that the department seeks to achieve, In order to convey the message that this department provides a noble and noble message to society, and that the progress of societies can only be achieved through social studies that work to solve problems. 

I would like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all the faculty members of the department for their efforts, and I thank them for making more unlimited giving to deliver the department's message.

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

Head of Department Mr. Sobhi Miloud Abdel Hafeez


Achieving leadership and competitiveness of the sociology program at the local and national levels, by providing students with cognitive skills through the tracks of education, scientific research and community service, in line with the requirements of academic accreditation. The department looks forward to conducting many active participations to discuss negative phenomena, psychological pressures and wrong behaviors and work to treat them through scientific seminars and panel discussions for faculty members in local forums. The department holds many meetings at the beginning of each semester or academic year in the Department of Sociology, in which very important issues and topics such as academic supervision, developing the vocabulary of study subjects and emphasizing the role of organized teamwork are raised and discussed. 


Providing educational, training and research services through advanced specialized academic programs that link the university with the local community in all fields of social work to contribute to the social, economic and cultural development of the Libyan society.


The Sociology program prepares graduates who have the necessary knowledge and skills to work in the theoretical knowledge and practical training they receive in various institutions and organizations, in order to develop their ability to use social thinking methods in preparing and implementing scientific research in order to diagnose the phenomena and societal problems that constitute Libyan society in general, interpret them, find solutions to them, and the constant pursuit of community service under the ethical system.


The objectives of the program are determined in light of the department's vision and mission in achieving the following:

  1. Providing the student with knowledge of science theories, and how to employ them in understanding social phenomena.
  2. Training students scientifically in various institutions and organizations to give them the necessary skills to work in all fields of social work.
  3. Students' knowledge and skills are oriented to field research and social surveys.
  4. Train students on how to design data collection tools.
  5.  Developing students' research capabilities in processing and analyzing quantitative and qualitative field data.
  6. Preparing a generation of social researchers capable of contributing to the field of environmental and community service.
  7. Preparing specialized cadres to work in the relevant state institutions and contribute to the development process.
  8. Study the patterns of social human behavior and know its effects on the individual and society.
  9.  Highlighting the correct social concepts, and working to correct misconceptions related to social life. and lay the foundations of an ideal society.
  10. Emphasis on conducting scientific research and conducting field studies that deal with social phenomena, problems and obstacles.
  11. Diagnosis of obstacles and social issues in society.
  12. Highlighting the originality of social thought and its role in the service of human thought.

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